Only independent escorts, escort agencies and strip clubs are not allowed to create profiles. It is not allowed to create accounts for WebCam, escort directories, porn sites or dating sites. Only persons of legal age, in possession of a valid ID, who independently decide to publish an advertisement, are allowed to post ads. Ads published by third parties will not be accepted. 

Yes, you can advertise free in our directory. To get better visibility you can turn on Silver, Gold and Premium plan advertising whenever you want.

Yes, you can advertise free in our directory. To get better visibility you can turn on Silver, Gold and Premium plan advertising whenever you want.

How do I create a great profile?

If you provide a complete profile with accurate information, you will increase the number and quality of the results you get.

Put up real photos, at least 3 photos in the gallery are required

Take time to provide a good description

List only the services you offer

Add fees

Make sure your phone number is correct

Check your profile - this will increase the visibility of your ad

What not to do!


Post fake ads or fake photos: these profiles will be deleted


Upload hard-core images

Ads in each position are published in this order:

1. Premium Verified Ads

2. Premium Ads

3. Verified Gold Ads

4. Gold Ads

5. Silver Ads Verified

6. Silver Ads

7. Free Ads


You can verify your ad by sending us the verification photo with the written date either by email [email protected] or by Whatsapp at the numbers you find on the contact page, or by entering it directly from your profile, clicking on EDIT BASIC and ASK VERIFICATION. The verified ad reaches a higher visibility (it is always published before non-verified ads). Verification also increases the credibility of your ad. The verified ad is reviewed within 48 hours maximum.

Please check first, why the payment was refused. If you have further questions or need help, please contact our helpdesk at [email protected].

An ad is only published in one location at a time. If you are touring you can fill in your dates and the cities you are going to directly from your account, and edit them whenever you want.

You can reset your password at any time via https://charmescorts.com/password/reset.

You cannot delete this feature; it is always on.

It is not allowed for users to upload fake pictures. If we find such an ad, the entire account will be immediately deactivated. If this account has a Paid Plan, it will not be refunded. Users can provide verification photos to prove that the profile is real. The requirements for verification photos are indicated in each user account. The verification photo is for internal use only and will never be published.

In this case, you can simply change the location of your advert in the Edit profile section.

Keep in mind that there are many hackers online who can try to obtain your data. Please never log in via unknown or strange links you receive in SMS, Whatsapp or any other way. Hackers usually use our logo and similar URLs and pretend to be from our team. It is called a phishing attack. All big companies today face such attacks from time to time. We always communicate with our customers ONLY via email [email protected], or via phone numbers found in the contact section. In case you receive a suspicious message, please contact us first to make sure it is real or a fraud.

You can post reviews and like the profiles, you like the most. When writing reviews you must not offend any person, or at least use racist, xenophobic or sexist terminology, or any other form that could be of criminal relevance. In this case, the reviews will not be published and reported to the competent authorities.